"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks."
--John Muir
"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks."
--John Muir
--Ruben Chavez
Like apples? Yep, I love them but that’s not the theme of this post. Actually, a while back I decided to leave my comfort zone for trying to draw and use color....since I always get most concerned with creating a masterpiece that would belong in a museum’s permanent collection....and that’s way too much pressure! Anyway, I wanted to give myself a break, despite my tendencies to perfect, to just relax and enroll in an online colored pencil class. Of course, I incorrectly also thought that we wouldn’t have to draw but rather would just practice techniques using orbs. Now that thought seems so silly as it’s far from the truth. Nevertheless, I engaged in the process, despite the drawing requirements, and have enjoyed the experience....although I initially resisted when in the 2nd class we were assigned 4 beautiful flowers as our homework. And, after trying to draw roses and dahlias, this apple simply is “good enough.”
‘If you are waiting until you feel talented enough to make it, you’ll never make it.”
—Criss Jami
Given the wonderful weather we’ve fortunately had for the last week, I’ve been kayaking and enjoying beautiful scenery and wildlife along the bluffs. And I feel grateful almost beyond words as being on the water soothes my busy mind, softens my tightly held abdominal muscles and helps me center in the calm of the present moment. That is a priceless gift. And, of course, if you’ve read several of my posts over the last few months, you recognize this theme. However, the new twist for this post features the first picture where the bobber and sinker are infinitely wound in the branch. Unless cut free, they are permanently knotted in that place. And this image instantly resonated with me as I thought about how it is so easy to get entrenched in thoughts and then remain permanently stuck....and maybe not in a place where we are truly free to live and love ourselves and what is....inhale....exhale.....repeat. Peace.
“The pursuit, even of the best things,
ought to be calm and tranquil.”
— Marcus Tullius Cicero