Introduction to Zentangle© Art --
Zentangle© -- in 5g --
Introduction to Zentangle© Art --
Zentangle© -- in 5g --
Two big kids having a lot of fun....ahhhhhhh...something fun is something beautiful.
The above home is abundantly adorned in festive holiday lights, and, kudos to the homeowners for their beautiful display. If you are wondering about the humor portion of this post, look carefully at the image below. To the left in that photo is the same home as above; however, notice that the next-door neighbor cleverly posted a "DITTO" sign at the entrance to his/her driveway...genius. Seeing that sign made me laugh and recall that sometimes it really is the little things that matter.
Anyway, at the holidays and always, may humankind continue to find light amid the darkness and humor to lighten the load.
Feliz Navidad.
These images were taken during my stroll through the Chicago Botanic Garden's annual holiday lights and music event. Known as Lightscape, this exhibit features amazingly beautiful installations of coordinated colors, lighting and sounds of the season. A few weeks ago I also posted images of the popular "Winter Cathedral" portion -- an amazing wall of lights.
As the winter solstice draws near, we rely on our inner light as well as outdoor décor and seasonal items in our homes to illuminate our spaces and celebrate what is....ahhhhhhh..... something beautiful.
"It is better to light one small candle
than to curse the darkness."
--Eleanor Roosevelt
At this time of the year in the northern hemisphere as the winter solstice approaches and daylight fades in the early evening, holiday lights illuminate the darkness. These images feature scenes from the Country Club Plaza in Kansas City.
Ahhhhhh....something beautiful.
"Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful." --Norman Vincent Peale
Again this year I am excited to announce that my artwork will be in the upcoming Carnegie-Stout Public Library holiday exhibit. More details below:
Library address: 360 West 11th Street
Exhibit hours: Mon-Thurs -- 9am - 7pm / Fri & Sat -- 9am - 5pm / Sun -- noon -5pm