Monday, September 20, 2021

After the Storm

Although not verified by an expert, from what I have read the brownish-orange substance is jelly fungus.  According to online sources, it appears in many colors and grows at the point where a tree is internally rotting.  Typically, the rot is slow and for years often goes unnoticed.  However, as the fungus populates, during a rain/windstorm this explosion in weight can easily cause the already-weakened branches to snap.   And, yep, that is what happened as after a recent thunderstorm while surveying a path along the river I found this chunk.  In the photo below one can see other lichen growing on the tree.  

In addition to identifying the fungus and learning how it typically grows on the host, I also was captivated by the artistic elements present on the splintered limb....I still find myself staring at Mother Nature's composition and use it as inspiration when putting pen to paper.   Ahhhh...something beautiful.

"There is no Wi-Fi in the forest 
but you will find a better connection."


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