Monday, April 6, 2020

Prickly Times

This image resonated with me as we experience these unprecedented times involving the Corona virus pandemic.  Despite the very sharp spines and edges, the large agave plant and surrounding cacti are also beautiful in their own regard.  For example, their striking shapes, sizes and colors are unique and add interest to our living spaces.  In addition, these slow-growing plants are mostly self-sustaining as they store moisture in their roots, leaves and stems.

Just as the above beauties can cause pain and bloodshed, in our current state of affairs I quickly notice how the illness, disruptions and numerous governmental proclamations have caused tremendous distress, hardship and grief.

However, as I recognized some inherent positive qualities in these thorny characters, I also realize that during these weeks spent at home I also have an opportunity to enjoy some quiet moments, improve my use of technology as I reach out to my students, draw more tangles, connect with loved ones and friends, appreciate the warmth of the sun, be grateful and surrender to the tranquility found walking along a river's edge.  Fortunately, during these trying times, I've also been more gentle with myself and careful to remember that today I'm doing enough.

"...You may have been given a cactus, 
but you don't have to sit on it."
                                                                                                         --Joyce Meyer

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