Monday, April 27, 2020

The Human Spirit

In recent weeks we've all seen countless videos of inspiring acts of kindness, bravery, creativity, thoughtfulness, and people helping people.  Celebrations have taken to the streets and outdoor spaces where life's milestones and special moments are still honored.  Clearly, even in times of trepidation, the human spirit is resilient and bold in its many forms of goodness.

These images are from a birthday parade that was organized for a dear cousin.  Vehicle after vehicle poured in to the meeting place and then processed through the streets passing by the birthday girl.  She loved it....and so did all the rest of us.  

Rewind a few months and not one of us would've imagined such an event ...but really, amid all of the world's current imperfections, just for a few minutes, life seemed perfect.  The evening temperature was mild and the wind light.  A hint of sun popped through the clouds.  My paper-plate birthday sign, even though it was NOT how I'd planned to make it, was easy to toss like a frisbee from inside the vehicle to the lawn.  In so many ways, this event was another expression of the human spirit that was simply perfect.

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