Monday, February 26, 2018


This made-up term that confuses most refers to many things dear to my heart.  First, from my childhood, it was the wacky word on a sign posted on a tree at the entrance to my grandparents' cabin.  As a youngster, after hearing Grandpa explain it, I thought it was very clever and wanted to be sure that all guests also saw the sign and understood its meaning.  

But, there's more. 

This sign marked the point of entry to a riverfront property that I loved and wanted to spend any free moment enjoying the water; the warmth of summer; the relaxation; the family times; the friendships; the still of the night under a starry sky; the glass-like, silky-smooth surface that made skiing a delight; and the familiar hum of a motor boat a half-mile upstream.

Of course, in what seemed like an instant, many summers had passed, we all grew older and things changed.  After I finished college,  my grandparents sold the cabin.  My sister and I were devastated but eternally grateful.  We LOVED that place.  In my heart a very tender spot remained for that little piece of paradise, and I dreamed of the day when I, too, would have a similar property and would use this word to greet visitors and passersby.

And, as seen in these pictures, here it is.  DISMUSBEDAPLACE now is proudly posted at the cabin that my husband and I are so fortunate to have.  And, just like old times, guests still inquire about the strange word, guess at its pronunciation and ask why we put this bizarre term on a sign at our cabin.

With a smile on my face and a very warm heart, I explain its history and that now THIS MUST BE THE PLACE has a new home.

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