Monday, September 7, 2020

Divine Messenger


In the early morning stillness along the river, I'm treated to many of nature's delights, including feathers that make their way onto my path.  Recently, after a rainy night, the above plume was positioned on a wooden walkway as if it was placed there just for me to notice.  All those water droplets glistened like a sparkly diamond and I couldn't help but admire my find.  With the intense sunshine at the time I took the picture, I really wasn't able to see all the colors in the feather and the wood beneath.  It's like a painting that only the universe could so perfectly create.  

In addition to the beautiful image, feathers are often associated with magical, mystical items that, when found, signal a special message from the divine.  In most ancient cultures throughout the globe, feathers were revered as a direct connection to the heavens.  And, whether or not one believes the appearance of feathers to be communication from the spirit world or simply coincidence, the above photo is a gift to me as I delight in its lines, textures, colors, shadows and symmetry as well as its asymmetry.  Finding this beauty made me feel grateful, content and connected to the world outside my door.

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