Thursday, August 6, 2020

Garden Stake

A few weeks ago one of my posts included a photo with me in my kayak and described some of what I encounter while on the river.  Another advantage of sitting about right on top of the water (in the kayak) is seeing everything on the surface, including all sorts of debris and trash.  So, sometimes if a floating object is easy to grasp, small enough to ride on the nose of the kayak and lightweight, I'll grab it.  And, I love doing that with small pieces of wood.  

The next step is drying time followed NOT by a trip to the burn pile but rather to be sanded and then to embellish it with a wood burning tool.  It's so simple and yet so beautiful.  No varnish or other harsh chemicals -- just the wood remains.  It's now a garden stake that includes one of my favorite phrases:  DISMUSBEDAPLACE.  Yes, that's equivalent to someone mumbling under his/her breath while driving in unfamiliar territory while trying to locate a particular destination and saying "This must be the place."  

Where did this come from?  Well, when I was a youngster and GPS and internet were not apart of our culture, my grandparents had a sign with the same phrase that was posted on a tree at the entrance to their cabin.  It stuck.  I loved it -- always have.  The original sign is long gone but it remains vivid in my memory. Now, whenever possible, I reuse the corny statement and post it at our cabin.  Currently, that beloved saying is on a sign on a shed greeting visitors, another on the deck, also on a small stone on the window sill just above the kitchen sink and now on this garden stake.  They are all perfect.

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